Maize: 316-722-0216 Andover: 316-768-5509
We encourage you to reserve your chicks now!
Due to high demand we may not have any available for walk-ins
The following is a list of confirmed Chicks that we know we are getting in(no order minimum):
- Rhode Island Red
- Buff Orpington
- Black Australorp
- Easter Egger
- Black Star
- White Leghorn
- Silver-Laced Wyandotte
- Barred Rock
- Ideal 236
- Asst. Silkie Bantams (not sexed)
Other breeds can typically be ordered with a minimum of 3 each.
Click on some of our FAQ below to learn more about getting started.
Ordering or “booking” chicks is easy! Just give us a call or stop in to see us at Andover or Maize.
Maize (316) 722-0216 4160 N Maize Rd Maize, KS
Andover (316) 768-5509 1313 E Hwy 54 Andover, KS
It depends on the breed. Most of our chicks are $5.99 / each while other breeds are $6.99/ each. Ducks are $9.00. Please call for geese, turkeys and guineas
*Geese & Turkeys are available for special order.
*Turkeys can only be ordered with a minimum of 20 per breed. We cannot order 1 of (this breed) & 1 or 2 of (that breed). Please call us if you have any questions.
Yes! All of the chicks we get in are vaccinated for Mareks.
What is Marek’s?
Marek’s disease is a herpes virus that attacks chickens’ nervous system and causes an array of issues depending on the virus strain the chicken has contracted. In many cases, the affected chicken will become paralyzed and unable to walk or move.
While the vaccination against this disease is extremely effective, it is not always a 100% sure-fire way to prevent the disease. It should be administered to day-old chicks for best results. Waiting any longer than a day increases your chick’s chances of inadvertently contracting the disease.
No. Most of the breeds we get in will be pullets, however some breeds are not sexed. Also known as “Straight Run”
Do you guarantee the sexing of chicks?
No. The hatchery sexes birds within 90% accuracy, but they don’t make any kind of guarantee to us, therefore we can’t 100% guarantee that to you. So, bear in mind if you order all Pullets (females) and happen to get some roosters (males) that is the luck of the draw.
We have a variety of chicks coming in every week during the Spring. Depending on what breeds / quantity you are wanting we will simply put your name on the chicks that are coming in and notify you what week they will be here. We will always call or text you the day your chicks are here and ready for pick up. They usually arrive by mid-day.
Our chicks arrive on Thursday. Please pick up your chicks by Saturday or communicate with us. Any orders not picked up with no communication will be refunded and the chicks given away. Thank you for your understanding!
Yes, you can. We just ask that you notify us at least 10 business days before your chicks were scheduled to arrive.
At this time, no. Our Eureka location does not have enough space to accommodate a coop for chicks. They do offer all of the chick starting supplies that you need!
New to raising poultry? Check out the Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens in the City for tons of helpful tips!
Call or Stop in to Order!
Poultry availability is subject to our hatchery’s availability to us. Not all breeds listed will be available. Please call us for current availability of chicks.
Chicks that are $5.99 $5.99
Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Black Star, Ideal 236, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger, White Leghorn
Specialty Chicks $6.99
Cuckoo Marans, Blue Australorp, Olive Eggers, Buff Brahmas, Black Copper Marans, Welbar
Silkies, Frizzles & Cochins *Straight Run (not sexed) $6.99
Assorted Silkies, Cochin, Frizzles.
Turkeys *St. Run. Minimum of 20 per breed Please Call
Royal Palms, Standard Bronze, White Hollands, Bourbon Reds, Blue Slates.
Ducks *Straight Run Only (not sexed) 9.00
Buff, Rouen, Cayuga, Blue Swedish, White Pekin, Fawn & White Runners.
Geese *Straight Run Only (not sexed) Please Call
African, Brown Chinese, White Chinese.